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Learn How to Pole Dance at Home | Beginners Guide

So, you’re here because you want to learn to pole dance at home. And we get it – the world of pole dancing can be overwhelming to newcomers. Whether you’re too nervous to attend classes or there are simply no classes in your area, you always have the option to learn pole dancing at home.

Furthermore, learning how to pole dance at home allows you to go at your own pace. You can do a quick 20 minute lesson before breakfast, which isn’t possible when attending studio classes. You can even pause and rewind your online class, which will allow you to perfect your moves.

Pole dancing for beginners doesn’t have to be hard and there are lots of benefits to learning pole dancing at home, but how can you do it? Well, let’s find out…

Learn Pole Dancing at Home

Before you start to learn pole fitness at home, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Should you learn at home?

Learning to pole dance at home isn’t right for everyone. You should consider your previous experience, your level of fitness, and how you learn.

Someone completely new to pole dancing may benefit from a handful of classes to learn the basics. A good teacher will be able to show you how to climb the pole, the best grip, how to sit on the pole, and a few basic techniques. After you have a good grasp of the basics and have added confidence, you can purchase an online course to continue progressing and having fun in the comfort of your own home.

Pole dancing at home requires having your own pole and a large environment that provides enough space. Your home also needs to be suitable to have a pole installed. Those who are renting may have to use a more expensive freestanding pole, instead of a pole that attaches to the ceiling.

Do you own a pole?

If you’re confident about learning how to pole dance at home, then you need the correct equipment. There are a number of different poles on the market, which includes freestanding poles, poles that are held in place by pressure, and poles that are fixed via a permanent ceiling mount.

You can learn more about dance poles by viewing our recommend poles for home use. X-Pole is out favorite pole company, with Lupit Pole in a close second. It’s important to note that there are currently some fake X-Poles being sold! As such, make sure to only buy directly from their website. You can click on the links below to learn more about our favorite dance poles.


View Pole

We have a winner! The X-Pole XPERT PRO is the latest pole from a well-known brand.

X-Pole X-Stage

View Pole

X-Pole offer two freestanding dance pole stages, which are known as the X-Stage and X-Stage Lite.

Do you own the correct clothing?

Now, you don’t need to dress to impress when pole dancing at home. However, you do need the correct clothes. But what are the correct clothes to wear pole dancing?

The good news is that you don’t need to spend hundreds on new clothes (save that for your pole). All you need are a few basic essentials. Most people dance barefooted, so you only need some fitted shorts and a sports bra/ tank top. As long as your clothing allows your skin to have contact with the bar, you’re good to go!

Do you have enough space?

You can learn pole dancing at home in small area, but you will be limited to what moves you can perform. You may need to rearrange some furniture to create an area for your pole dancing. It’s best not to limit your movements as a beginner, as you will then be learning the incorrect movements and you can’t build the correct motor patterns.

Are you safe?

As with any new pursuit or exercise, it is important to stay safe. Just because you’re in your home doesn’t mean that you’re safe from dangers, especially as pole dancing involves swinging around a pole high up in the air. It may look easy, but those dancers have spent years perfecting their craft. Accidents do occur, so it’s important to be ready by using a crash mat.

Crash mats are soft pieces of padding that break your fall. Would you rather fall on a wooden floor or a soft mat? Yep – me too. Simply place a few crash mats around your poles for extra safety and confidence.

Also, there shouldn’t be able objects near to your pole. Imagine swinging around the pole and hitting your foot on the TV – oops!

Take online classes

So, you have all the equipment, but HOW can you learn pole dancing at home? The easiest way to do this is by learning from online lessons. We have a complete guide on learning from online lessons, so be sure to check that out. If you just want to know our favorite courses, please see the two companies below.

X-Pole TV

Visit X-Pole

We have a winner! X-Pole TV has 1000+ lessons from some of the world’s best pole dancers.

OpenDance Academy

Visit OpenDance

Experts in dance, this academy provides 450+ lessons with a lifetime access option.

Using online courses has a number of benefits. In fact, it is the best resource for learning how to pole dance at home. There are specific courses that teach how to pole dance for beginners. You can purchase DVDs, read books, and watch YouTube videos, but nothing beats an in-depth video course.

With that said, online lessons don’t give real-time advice that is personal to your exact needs. For example, an instructor at your local stupid will be able to give actionable tips and fix any mistakes you are making. While at home pole dancing lessons are great, there is no one there to correct you. The best solution is to do both!

Learn from DVDs and books

Instead of purchasing a whole pole dancing course, you could buy individual DVDs to learn pole dancing. The positives and negatives are the same as the courses above. However, you can watch DVDs on your phone or tablet. The absolute number one DVD for how to start pole dancing is “The Art Of Pole” by Jamilla Deville.

What is great about this DVD set is that it contains five discs that slowly get more technically difficult. This means you can go at your own pace. In fact, many people re-watch the first disc multiple times over. The warm-up and cool-down routines are a nice touch. Those who are more experienced will enjoy the “Felix Cane Pole Dance Mastery”, which gives advanced pole dancing moves.


So, there you have it! You should know now how to dance on a pole at home. This will be amazing news to those with busy lifestyles, limited budget, or no access to a good studio.

By using your own equipment and an online resource, you can learn pole dancing at your own pace. Get your own pole, sign-up to an online course, and then dance to your heart’s content!