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Open Dance Academy Review

Open Dance Academy Review

Pole dancing is not just for strippers anymore!

Open Dance Academy offers online pole-dancing lessons designed to teach you the crucial skills and techniques required to turn you into a goddess on the pole!

You will learn to execute beginner, intermediate, and advanced moves with poise and confidence. Plus, you get a great workout in the process!

opendance academy

Open Dance Academy is one of the perfect solutions for anyone who wants to learn how to dance. Their 8-week program will take you from complete beginner to goddess in just a few short weeks, as they claim.

You’ll learn all the basics in a fun and relaxed setting, and by the end of the program, you’ll be able to wow your friends at your next party!

Also read: How to become a male pole dancer

But, let me present a detailed and honest review about the Open Dance Academy, so you can decide if it’s worth your money to join and start learning pole dancing even if you are a complete noob to pole dancing.

Why I Bought a Year-Long Pole Dancing Course from Open Dance Academy 

I’ve been pole dancing for a little over 4 years now, and in that time, I’ve taken countless classes, watched hundreds of hours of YouTube videos, and scoured the internet for tips, tricks and advice.

A few months ago, I came across Open Dance Academy – an online pole school with some of the biggest names in the industry. After watching a few promotional videos, I signed up for their best package…; let me explain why.

The Instructors 

As I just mentioned, I’ve had pole workshops with many of the instructors for Open Dance Academy and learned so much from them all in person. Here are some of the instructors whose classes are included as part of the ODA course: 

Open Dance Academy instructors

Sarah Scott

One of my all-time favorite instructors! Her unique style combines elegant lines with a sassy attitude, and her choreography always tells a story. 

Marion Crampe

If you’ve ever seen a picture of a girl hanging upside down from one arm… chances are it was Anastasia! She’s insanely strong and flexible, and her tutorials are always clear and concise.  

Baina Casanova

Baina is well-known for her ability to execute impossible-looking contortion moves on the pole. Her classes focus on building strength and flexibility, and her students always make incredible progress. 

These are just a few instructors whose classes are included as part of the ODA course. As you can see, there’s a great mix of styles represented, so whether you’re into flowing spins or technical tricks, there will be something for you. 

Also read: What to wear to pole dancing classes

The Content 

When you sign up for ODA, you get access to over 400 HD videos covering everything from basic moves to advanced transitions to handstands and contortion, plus so much more! Basically, if there’s something you want to learn about pole dancing, it’s probably covered in the ODA course. 

opendance content

Open Dance Academy Official Mobile Apps

Need a Quick Pole Dancing Fix? There’s an App for That!

Open Dance Academy recently released a mobile app for Android and iPhone users. The app gives users access to their courses anytime and from any location. 

Open Dance Academy Android App

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a crowded public place with the sudden urge to pole dance? Well, now there’s an app for that! The Open Dance Academy app allows you to access pole dancing courses anytime, anywhere.

That’s right, whether you’re on your lunch break at work or stuck in line at the grocery store, you can now fit in a quick pole dancing session. And with over 1000 users and 3+ ratings on the Google Play Store, this app is quickly becoming a must-have for pole dancers everywhere.

Pros of Android App

  • The app gives users access to their courses anytime and from any location. 
  • The courses are well-organized and easy to navigate.
  • The app is free to download and use.
  • The interface is user-friendly.

Cons of Android App

  • There are no user reviews on the Google Play store, so it’s difficult to gauge user experience. 
  • The app is only available for Android and iPhone devices, so users with other types of devices will not be able to use it.

Open Dance Academy iPhone App

The Open Dance Academy app has been available on iPhone for over four years, and it’s been quite a roller coaster ride. There have been some major upsides to the app like it offers pole dancers a way to access courses at any time and place.

However, some big downsides have also been, like the app’s buggy design and malfunctioning features.

Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of the Open Dance Academy app.

open dance academy app

The Pros of the Open Dance Academy App

There are definitely some upsides to the Open Dance Academy app. One of the biggest advantages is that it gives pole dancers a lot of flexibility regarding when and where to take their courses. Rather than being tied to a brick-and-mortar studio, dancers can now learn anywhere they want, whether at home, on the go, or even on vacation. Additionally, the app offers a wide range of courses, from beginner to advanced, so there’s something for everyone. 

The Cons of the Open Dance Academy App

Unfortunately, not everything about the Open Dance Academy app is rosy. One of the biggest downsides is that the app is often buggy and difficult to use. For example, many users have complained that videos won’t load or that the sound cuts out frequently. Additionally, the app has been known to freeze up or crash altogether. This can be incredibly frustrating for users trying to learn a new dance move or choreography. 


Overall, the Open Dance Academy app is a mixed bag. Using it has some definite advantages, like its flexibility and wide range of courses. However, there are also some significant drawbacks, like its buggy design and malfunctioning features.

Ultimately, it’s up to each dancer to decide whether or not the pros outweigh the cons. Have you used the Open Dance Academy app? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below!

To conclude this review about one of the best online pole dancing classes, the Open dance academy overall, I’m really happy with my decision to sign up for Open Dance Academy. It was a great investment (especially considering all the money I would have spent on workshops this year), and I know I will get a lot out of it.